The UTG Tactical series (Under The Gun) of lights, by ExtremeBeam, were designed for SWAT use. The TAC24 now ranks as one of the brightest in military history with a focusable beam that shines out beyond 1100 feet. As for durability, the light in the video is the lightest duty Blackbird series which was the company's original design civilian/security patrol edition, and copied by many since. ExtremeBeam is now by far the top Military Grade light in production today and is used by soldiers and officers world-wide including in odd places like Rome, where it is used to protect high ranking officials including The Pope. The ExremeBeam line is considered the Ferrari of the industry and sales are strictly controlled with nearly all online sales banned by the manufacturer since the company began and only recently have online companies been allowed to carry this military line of tactical lights. Search ExtremeBeam on Google for sales information or government/police agency procurement.